Frequently Asked Questions
and their answers
Cedar House Inn often has the privilege of introducing “first-timers” to the bed & breakfast experience. We do everything we can to make the experience one that turns them into regular B&B patrons. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about bed & breakfasts and Cedar House Inn specifically, so you know what to expect when you visit us.
When is Check in/Check out?
What are front desk hours of operation?
What do you serve for breakfast?
Do you have private tables for breakfast?
Is there a time where the guests have to return to the inn for the evening?
How far are you from the center of St. Augustine's downtown?
Do you have private bathrooms?
Do you allow children?
What is an appropriate gratuity for a bed and breakfast housekeeper?
Do you allow pets?
What is your smoking policy?
If you have any unanswered questions, please feel free to contact us anytime! We promise to respond as soon as possible.